I apologize to the painter for not having his/her name here. If you happen to know the painter's name, please let me know, and I will put the painter's name here. Thank you.
Yesterday, reading Kompas Minggu, my eyes stumbled upon a picture of Mona Lisa wearing kebaya and jarik batik, with her hand holding a book of Serat Jawi, written in a honocoroko or Javanese writing system. (Thanks to my father who had read the writing for me). Another modification of Mona Lisa, I presume. I always admire Leonardo da Vinci, so everytime my eyes stumble upon something related to him, my radar works. However, an interpretation of the painting can be found in the article of the newspaper.
Another thing related to Leonardo da Vinci is the famous Dan Brown's book: The Da Vinci Code. Endra and I saw the book at the newest Kinokuniya Bookstore at Pondok Indah Mall 2, yesterday. What we saw was the illustrated edition of the book. It will be easier to follow the story line if there are illustrations in the book. The book is beautifully illustrated and more expensive (of course!) than the paperback edition. We've already had the paperback edition of the book at home.
Speaking of paperback edition, last July I bought Bill Clinton's My Life only for Volume I. The Early Years in paperback edition. It was the last one on the display arena at Kinokuniya Bookstore - Senayan Plaza. There's no full version (not separated into two volumes) nor Volume II available in the store, then. Only this one left and a stack of hard-cover edition. I'd long to read Bill Clinton's book since I had read Hillary Clinton's Living History. I didn't want to miss the chance reading the book, so I bought this last Volume I. Buying a hard-cover edition? Oh no! It was and still is too expensive for me! (KDG... Kecian Deh Gue....., pity me..)
And yesterday, at Kinokuniya, Endra saw the Volume II. The Presidential Years of Bill Clinton's book. And unfortunately: there's the full version of the book! in paperback edition! D'oh... what a fate (?).. (maksudnya: duh.., nasib....!!). If I knew then, I'd rather wait a month or two to buy this full-version paperback edition. However, I bought this Volume II of Bill Clinton's book.
And Endra? He bought iCon by Jeffrey S. Young and William L. Simon, a book about his long-time idol: Steve Jobs.
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