Sunday, January 13, 2008

Before New Year

Happy New Year 2008 and Happy New (Moslem) Year 1429H! May this year be better than the previous years. May Allah The Almighty forgives us for our wrongdoings and sins. And May Allah loves us more.

Some occasions happened before New Year and New Islamic Year. A friend of mine, Boto Simatupang, got his doctoral degree from Faculty of Economy - University of Indonesia on late December 2007. Congratulation to Boto for the awesome achievement! I met Pras and Tommy when attending Boto's doctoral degree promotion. So, among us PL'80, there are 5 6 guys who hold doctoral degree: Heru, Rempu, Eko, Bobby, Hadi and Boto. Who will follow them?

And before New Islamic Year, there were two new born babies in the neighborhood. Congratulations to families of the new babies! My friends and I visited the mommies and babies at their respective house. Welcome to the neighorhood, cute babies. Enjoy life here!


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