
I've been in Ciamis for nine days with Yuyun, Yomi, and Dewi (Yuyun's sister). We have a job there.
Kabupaten Ciamis is one kabupaten of West Java Province. It lies in the southern part of the province and famous for its Pangandaran Beach. The climate of the city of Ciamis is mild, almost like Bandung although Bandung is chiller. Kabupaten Ciamis has many tourism object, among others are: Batu Hiu (do you know one of Doel Soembang's song?), Karang Nini, and in Cijulang there are Batukaras Beach and Cukang Taneuh or Green Canyon.
In Cukang Taneuh or Green Canyon, you'll take a perahu along the Cicurug/Cijulang river to go to a curug or waterfall. The river is quite wide and clean; the current is calm, and the color is green. The curug? Well, you hardly find it before riding a perahu. I've never taken a perahu in the Java Island before.
Cijulang is 26 km from Pangandaran, while Pangandaran is about 90 km from the city of Ciamis. Kabupaten Ciamis has an airport, which lies in Cijulang, namely Nusawiru Airport. For the time being, there's no regular flight from and to the airport. But, it is said that before Idl Fitr day, the airport will commence its function again. The railway had stopped functioning since 1978. From Jakarta, you can reach Ciamis by bus for about 5 hours.
Here you can see us in the perahu at Cukang Taneuh. Yuyun and Dewi brought along their daughter with them. Can you guess where I am? Right, I am in the second left of the picture.