Yogya Earthquake, Updated

Source: Kompas daily from Media Center Gempa DIY
Kompas reported that casualties of last week earthquake in Yogya reached 5,857 people dead and 37,229 injured, with 84,643 houses were flat to the ground, 135,048 houses heavily damaged and 188,234 houses moderately damaged.
Meanwhile, ITB80's families suffered from the death of Sabadi (TM'80)'s mother and injury of Gatut (GD'80)'s brother. Our deep condolesence to Sabadi and family. Sabadi's and Gatut's houses were flat to the ground. It was reported that Dusun Mojosari, Kelurahan Sitimulyo, Kecamatan Piyungan, Kabupaten Bantul, where Gatut's house was once built, was totally damaged. It is near the Opak river, presumably related to the Opak cesar that caused the earthquake. Fauzi (TM? TA?), Gatut, and Endro (GM'80) had built ITB80 posko there. May the citizens of the areas hit by the quake have a normal life as soon as possible.
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